Posts Tagged ‘particles’

OUU Podcast #3: Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

By Aridian PR
Our Undiscovered Universe Podcasts




OUU Podcast #3: Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

Welcome to the third in a series of podcasts that explore Null Physics as presented in the book, Our Undiscovered Universe, written by Scientist and Engineer, Terence Witt.

The topics of discussion today include the overview of Einstein’s general relativity and its relation to quantum mechanics and Null theory.

Also in Episode 3:

  • What type of research activities can be performed to support Null physics assertion that photons, particles and space are real?
  • Why does OUU refer to quantum reality as “a form of mysticism?”
  • How does the OUU description of quantum phenomena differ from that of contemporary physics?
  • What type of research activities can be performed to support Null physics assertion that photons, particles and space are real?
  • Also available on iTunes! Search “Null Physics” and Subscribe Now!